
LMEM Scholarship Package -A

Package Summary (Android+Flutter+iOS+Monetization)

100% Scholarship 75% Scholarship Weekly Class Monthly Class Total Duration Payment Systems
Seven Modules Four Modules Two Eight Eight months Seven installments

Package includes

Assingment Assesment Live Project Certificate Can Join RND Team Can Join internship Per Batch
20 10 5 Yes Yes Yes 10

Package Details

Module Available Scholarship (%) Regular Fee(BDT) Payable fees (BDT) Number of class Per class 3 Hours
1.Java,XML for Android 100 % 4000 0 5 15H
2.Kotlin for Android 100 % 4000 0 5 15H
3.Android Basic 75 % 10000 2500 8 24H
4.Android Advance 75 % 14000 3500 8 24H
5.JSON for Android,Flutter 100 % 1000 0 3 9H
6.SQL,MYSQL,NoSQL(Firebase) Database 100 % 3000 0 4 12H
7.PHP,Node.js for Android(Api),Flutter(Api) 100 % 4000 0 4 12H
8.Android Professional 75 % 20000 5000 10 30H
9.Dart for Flutter 100 % 4000 0 4 12H
10.Flutter Mobile Apps Development 75 % 20000 5000 11 33H
11.Monetization 100 % 1000 0 2 6H
Total 85000 16000 64 192H
Extra : iOS Apps Development Basic (Only for the best performer of the Batch) 100 % 0 6 18H

LMEM Scholarship Package -B

Package Summary (Android+Monetization)

100% Scholarship 75% Scholarship Weekly Class Monthly Class Total Duration Payment Systems
Six Modules Three Modules Two Eight Eight months Five installments

Package includes

Assingment Assesment Live Project Certificate Can Join RND Team Can Join internship Per Batch
15 8 4 Yes Yes Yes 10

Package Details

Module Available Scholarship (%) Regular Fee(BDT) Payable fees (BDT) Number of class Per class 3 Hours
1.Java for Android 100 % 4000 0 5 15H
2.Kotlin for Android 100 % 4000 0 5 15H
3.Android Basic 60 % 8000 3200 9 27H
4.Android Advance 60 % 9000 3600 12 36H
5.JSON for Android Professional 100 % 1000 0 3 9H
6.SQL,MYSQL,NoSQL(Firebase,MongoDb) Database 100 % 3000 0 4 12H
7.PHP,Node.js for Android(Api) 100 % 4000 0 5 15H
8.Android Professional -Part-1,Part-2,Part-3 60 % 11000 4400 18 54H
9.Monetization 100 % 1000 0 3 9H
Total 45000 11200 64 192H